10 cent, print 6b, pos. 86 | |
Indsendt af: George Valby - 28.03.2012 | |
106 serien | Setting 28 |
Indsend en kommentar | |
Hello all, Here is a contribution to the 10 cent printing 6b project. I have had this in my collection identified as setting 28.86 for several years, and it doesn't seem to correspond to oval flaw 12, so I called it printing 6b. Any comments are welcome, of course. | |
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31.03.2012 Hello George, Thank you very much for your contribution! You are right with setting 28, position 86, but the stamp has the oval-matricetype 5 (brown dot in C of CENTS) and belongs to printing 4! Also the colors - reddish-brown oval and greyish-ultramarine frame - do not fit with printing 6b. Best regards! Bernd | |
Hello Georg, Your stamp are 10 Cent print 4 position 86. Have Ovalflaw #66 and Ovalmatricetype #5. Best regards, Inga and Hans Mortensen | |