100 øre 7. tryk pos 4. (Spies i nord) 12.12.2006 | |
Indsendt af: 5.december 2006 - Ole Hansen | |
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Jeg har også et 100øre med omv. rm., men der er den gule streg i toppen, det har tit undret mig, så hvis nogen har et svar på det, vil jeg blive lidt klogere, på forhånd tak.
Ole Hansen
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Hej Ole, your stamp is a 100ø7 position 4. My first impression was print 7 upper row, because of the "lidt udtværet nordramme". As it has also RM.5D (a bit difficult to see) there is only this possibility. The small dot in SØ mentioned by Lasse Nielsen is probably covered by the cancellation. I found two copies of this position in my collection, both with the same coloured line as yours, one of them in a pair with pos. 5:
Mange hilsener! Bernd Stein
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