1 cent, RM.5, print 8 with color spot | |
Indsendt af: Massimo de Tommaso - 17.04.2012 | |
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I am the webmaster of scandps.org.uk and obviously member too. I collect Scandinavian PS and in the recent past I start to study the DVI issues. On a uprated card of mine I found on a 1 cent stamp (I have non specialized catalog but I think is a frame type 5, Printing 8 below Facit list) in the SO corner of frame an interesting large color strike (and a minimal vertical strike below left) and in the NE corner a color spot - in the same printing color of the oval - see the attached file in HiRes. Can you say me more about? Are the color flake bottom and the spot top already checked out in a print setting?
Massimo de Tommaso | |
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19.02.2012 Hi MassimoYour stamp has what we call colored lines and strikes. In Lasse Nielsen's books The Bicolored Stamps of Denmark, 1870 - 1905, Volume 1 to 6, can you read more about colored lines in Volume 1, on page 79. In short form are we talking about the intermediate plates between the oval clichés that sometimes can be displaced, resulting in a color line in the sheet, a spies between two stamps in the color of the ovals. In your stamp is there irregular color lumps and color strike in the color of the oval in the triangles. This is a result of unevenness on the oval clichés and may be constant in a print, but is usually not repeated from print to print. The text is from Lasse Nielsen’s books The Bicolored Stamps of Denmark, Volume 1, page 79. You can also download the sheet of 1 cent print 8 that we have on tofarvet.dk. Please try this link. Regards HC
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